E-learning-How could I continue learning, when staying at home due to Covid-19?
Category : Ενημέρωση , Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο
How could I continue learning, when staying at home due to Covid-19? E-learning
The schools may be closed due to the current situation, but learning must continue. A lot of educational activities continue through the internet. The Ministry of Education has started distance learning programs for in-school children of all ages.
In order for you or your children to have access and participate in distance learning activities, it is required:
- To have or create an email account. You can have a Gmail, Yahoo or other free email account in no more than 5 minutes. If you don’t know how and you don’t have anybody to assist you, you can have some information in English here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb2jWkYJZfY - To ensure good connectivity to the internet. In response to Coronavirus, some telecommunications offer free packages.
How to apply for a school student account for you child:
In order to apply for a school student account for you children, is the following is required:
- A device with access to internet (Mobile phone, tablet, computer..)
- Email address
- mobile number
The form is in Greek. However, the principal of the school and REACT Social Worker can assist you. Some of them will try to contact you.
You will need to provide:
- Child’s name and surname
- Date of birth
- Name of the school where he/she is enrolled
- Grade and Class
- Register number (arithmos mitroou). It is written on the last school report of your child. If you cannot find it, please contact the school, the Refugee Education Coordinators or an NGO to assist you.
- Parent’ or Guardian’ name and surname
- Parent’ or Guardian e-mail
- Phone number
- A password that contains more than 7 latin characters, with one of them being a number or capital letter and one symbol like !@$-
You don’t need to create a user name, this is going to be created by the system automatically.
You can find the link to the registration here: https://register.sch.gr/students/
Please be patient with the procedure as it is new reality for everyone!
Who could assist me?
If you live in an urban place, get in contact with the school by phone. React staff could assist you.
Use of your personal data
Be ensured that your personal information (emails, names, etc.) will be used by schools only for educational purposes and the smooth operation of the e-learning activities.
Are there any other learning opportunities on internet?
Due to coronavirus there are a lot of learning activities for children and adults online. You could get information from NGOs or other organisations offering Non Formal Education in Open Accommodation Sites and in cities. Please check in their websites, facebook page or other social media.